Invacare Variance Plus
User adjustment manual
The information set out in this manual may be modified without prior notice.
This manual contents copyright information. All rights are reserved. No part
of this document may be photocopied or reproduced without prior written
agreement from your local INVACARE office, see back page for addresses.
The wheelchair user
As a wheelchair manufacturer, INVACARE makes every effort to supply a
wide range of wheelchairs to meet the many different user requirements.
However, the final decision on the type of model to choose rests with users
and qualified health advisers.
Proper use
The proper use of the wheelchair is dependent upon medical advice, in
accordance with the clinical profile of the user’s illness or disability.
The wheelchair is designed for use indoors and for outdoor use. Please
observe the requirements of the relevant road traffic licensing legislation.
1. Safety and operating limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/10
1.1 Reaching for an object from a wheelchair . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2 Transferring sideways to other seats . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.3 Tilting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.4 Tilting, kerbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.6 Slopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
2. Use your wheelchair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11/12
Folding and unfolding the wheelchair . . . . . . . . . . . .11
2.2 Propelling the wheelchair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
3. Safety checks and maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12/13
3.1 Checking performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Checking the general condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
4. Transport
5. Guarantee
6. Summary
7. Introduction
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
7.1 General description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
8. Adjustments
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17/29
Seat elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
8.1.1 Different types of backrests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
8.1.2 Different types of seats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
8.1.3 Different types of armrests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Folding frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
8.2.1 Side-frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
8.2.2 Folding system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Rear wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
8.3.1 Wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
8.3.2 Handrim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
8.3.3 Axle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Forks and front wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Manual brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Footrests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Legrests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Footplates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Heel straps and calf straps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
8.10 Transit version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
8.11 Hub brakes on self propelled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
8.12 Rear anti tippers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
8.13 Belts
8.14 Trays
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
8.15 Drip stand and support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
8.16 Back brace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
8.17 Comfort headrest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
8.18 Dual handrims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Technical data and tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
1 - Safety and operating limits
Stability and equilibrium
To ensure that the wheelchair remains stable and is manipulated correctly,
you must always maintain good equilibrium. Your wheelchair has been
designed to remain stable for normal everyday use.
Nearly everything you do from the wheelchair will have an effect on the centre
of gravity. We recommend using straps for increased safety when you are
moving about and shifting your weight.
Weight distribution
(Figure 1 )
Many actions will cause
you to reach out, lean
over or move about
within the wheelchair
and outside it.
change the normal
equilibrium, centre
of gravity and weight
Weight limit
The recommended weight limit is 120 kg. However, your degree of activity is
For example, an active person weighing 77 kg may subject the wheelchair
to more stress than a person weighing 100 kg. We recommend that a very
active wheelchair person must select an appropriate design of wheelchair.
Your distributor will advise you on the best model.
1.1 - Reaching for an object from a wheelchair
( Figure 2 )
The limitations on reaching out from
a wheelchair shown on the following
diagrams have been produced using
a representative sample of wheelchair
users: 91 men and 36 women.
Note the difference between maximum
stretch and reaching out in normal sitting
Only the arms should extend beyond the
seat of the wheelchair.
For safety reasons, the body and head should remain within the boundaries
of the seat. ( Figures 3 and 4 )
Leaning forwards
Position the swivelling castors as far forward as
possible ( Figure 5 ) and lock the manual brakes.
Do not lean out beyond the armest.
( Figure 6 )
To support yourself and lean over
To reach towards an object, you support
yourself and lean over, it is important to
use the swivelling castors as a tool for
maintaining stability and equilibrium. A
correct alignment is essential for your
To lean backwards
( Figures 7 and 8 )
Move the wheelchair as close as possible
to object you wish to reach.
Do not lean back for objects that are
beyond arm’s length in a normal sitting position.
1.2 - Transferring sideways to other seats
( Figure 9 )
This may be done without assistance provided that you are sufficiently
mobile and have a strong enough torso.
Position the wheelchair as close as
possible to the seat to which you wish to
move with the swivelling castors pointing
towards it. Lock the wheels. Move the
weight of your body towards the seat.
While moving between the chair and
the seat you will have little or no support
under your body. Whenever possible,
use a plank when changing seat.
BEFORE trying to move, whether to return to the wheelchair or to get out of
it, make sure that the gap between the two seats is as small as possible. Also
be sure that the manual brakes on the large wheels are on to prevent the
wheels moving and turn the two swivelling castors towards the seat to which
you wish to move.
When you are in the process of transferring between seats, make sure you
are as far back as possible in the seat. This will prevent you from breaking the
screws, damaging the seat upholstery or tipping the wheelchair forwards.
If you are more or less able to stand
up and if the upper part of your body
is sufficiently strong and mobile, you
can transfer forwards, especially if your
wheelchair has fixed sides or armrests
( Figure 10 ). Flip up the footplate and
push the foot/leg rest to the side to clear
the passage. Position yourself as close
as possible to the place you wish to move
Lean your body forwards while holding the two armrests and lifting yourself to
standing position. Then move to the place where you wish to sit, taking your
weight on your arms and hands.
( Figure 10 )
Never stand up on the foot rests when you are
getting in or out of the wheelchair.
( Figure 11 )
1.3 - Tilting (balancing on the rear
Do not tilt the wheelchair without assistance
unless you have mastered the technique of
balancing on the rear wheels.
If a wheelchair user needs assistance, use your body correctly. Keep your
back straight and bend at the knee to tip the wheelchair, mount pavements,
negotiate stairs or any other obstacles.
Also take care of moving parts such as the armrests or legrests. These must
NEVER be used as aids when lifting as they may inadvertently become
detached and hurt yourself and/or your helpers.
When you are learning a new method of assistance, ask an experienced
helper to advise you before putting it into practice on your own.
To tilt the wheelchair, a third person should grip the handles firmly, ensuring
that the handles are properly fixed. Warn the occupant of the wheelchair
before tilting it and remind him/her to lean backwards. Check that the
occupant’s feet and hands are clear of all the wheels. Place a foot on the
foot step tube and move continuously until the wheelchair is at the point of
equilibrium. At this stage, the helper will feel a difference in weight distribution
which usually occurs at an angle of about 30°. Turn the wheelchair in the
direction required, if necessary.
LOWER the front, holding the handles to lower the wheelchair slowly
and continuously. Do not lower the wheelchair suddenly for the last few
centimetres from the ground. This might hurt the occupant.
1.4 - Tilting, kerbs
METHOD 1 - ( Figure 12 )
The helper should tilt the wheelchair until the swivelling castors have passed
over the kerb.
Move the wheelchair forwards and
lower the swivelling castors onto the
Push the wheelchair until the rear wheels
mount and pass the kerb.
METHOD 2 - ( Figure 13 )
The helper should stand on the pavement
and turn the wheelchair until the rear
wheels are against the kerb.
Tilt the wheelchair backwards to the
point of equilibrium and, in a continuous
movement, pull the wheelchair until the
rear wheels mount the pavement and
pass the kerb.
Do not lower the swivelling castors to
the ground until you have pulled the
backrest of the wheelchair sufficiently
far to clear the kerb.
When you have mastered the techniques of tilting the wheelchair, use
these methods ( Figures 12 and 13 ) to negotiate kerbs, small flights of
stairs, etc.
METHOD 3 - ( Figure 14 )
Kerbs, steps, platforms.
As a general rule, if you are using the
wheelchair without assistance, do not try
to negotiate obstacles more than 30 mm
high, unless your wheelchair is fitted with
anti-tip wheels which minimise the risk of
tipping up backwards.
1.5 - Stairs
We recommend that you take very great care when taking a wheelchair up or
down stairs. Two people are required for this.
Advice to third persons
Make sure that you get hold of fixed, non-removable parts only. Use the
following procedure for going up stairs
( Figure 15 )
1. Tilt the wheelchair to its point of
equilibrium. One helper (at the back) holds
the wheelchair up against the first step,
gripping the handles firmly to lift.
2. The second helper, holding firmly a fixed
part of the front frame, lifts the wheelchair
above the stairs and holds it while the first
helper places one foot on the following step
and repeats the operation.
3. The wheelchair must not be lowered until the last step has been negotiated
and until the chair is clear of the stairs.
Do not use an escalator to move a wheelchair from one floor to another. This
may lead to serious injury.
1.6 - Slopes ( operating limits )
Do not attempt to go up or down slopes
greater than 9%. Beyond this limit the
wheelchair might fall over if your turn or
move sideways.( Figure 16 )
Upward slopes
Lean the upper part of the body forward
and push the chair forward with short quick
thrusts on the handrims to maintain speed
and control direction. If you wish to take a
rest, apply both brakes when stopping.
( Figure 17 )
Downward slopes
Lean backwards carefully and allow the
handrims to slide through your hands. Be ready
to react at any moment to check the speed and
18 )
If you are going up or down a slope avoid
turning sharply and never try to go up
or down diagonally.
( Figure 19 )
2 - Use your wheelchair
2.1 - Folding and unfolding the
To unfold :
( Figure 20 )
1. Unfold the wheelchair by taking hold
of the armrest or the side of the chair
nearest to you, tip the chair sideways
(lifting the rear wheel and the swivelling
castor from the ground) and press on
the tube supporting the seat upholstery
until it is fully down. The seat upholstery
should be stretched.
2. Put on the two manual brakes. Open
the foot/leg rest, check the ground
clearance and sit down in the chair.
To fold :
( Figure 21 )
1. Fold and lock the foot/leg rest towards
the front of the chair.
2. Swivel the plates into a vertical
3. Using both hands, take the centre
of the seat fabric at the front and back
edges and raise it. Or, tilt the wheelchair
to one side and close it using the handles
on the back rest. ( Figure 22 )
To avoid injury, keep hands and fingers
away from moving parts (armrests, cross
folding mechanism, foot rest supports or leg rests, etc . . .)
2.2 - Propelling the wheelchair
The wheels of your wheelchair are fitted with handrims.
These should be adjusted so that you can get a good grip with your hands.
Various accessories may be fitted to improve the grip ( plastic covers, studs, etc . . . )
The qualified medical or paramedical personnel will be able to advise you on the most
appropriate way of propelling yourself.
Do not put any part of your body in the spaces when the chair is in motion
3 - Safety checks and maintenance
3.1 - Checking performance
As a user, you are the first to notice that your wheelchair is not operating
properly. The following table shows some readily identified symptoms and
gives the preliminary checks to be carried out.
turns or moves
Play in
the chair
to the right
to the left
Check that the pneumatic
pressure is correct and
Check that the bolts
are tight
Check that the angle ot
the front forks is correct
Check that the castors are
both in contact with
ground at the same time
If the symptoms persist when the pneumatic pressure has been corrected
and the nuts and screws have been tightened, consult your distributor.
The inner tubes of the wheels are the only components which should be
repaired by the user. See page 20.
For maintenance of the wheelchair, please contact your dealer.
3.2 - Checking the general condition
For maintenance operations, consult your distributor who has all the
necessary information.
Once a year, have your wheelchair checked by your distributor for a thorough
inspection and maintenance. Regular maintenance allows defective or worn
parts to be identified and improves the normal operation of your wheelchair.
Checks to be made
1. General
the wheelchair unfolds and folds easily
the wheelchair moves in a straight line (no resistance or drag)
2. Manual brakes
the manual brakes do not touch the tyres when moving
the manual brakes are easy to operate
the joints are not worn and do not show signs of play
3. Cross bars
examine them to check that they are not worn or bent
4. Clothing protectors / armrest upholstery
check that all fixings are in position and tightened
5. Armrests
firmly attached but easy to remove
6. Arm supports
check that the padding is in good condition
7. Seat and backrest upholstery
check that it is in good condition
8. 22" and 24" wheels
wheel nut and sealed bearings correctly tightened
no excessive lateral movement or binding when they are lifted from the ground
and turned, quick release axles correctly locked
9. Handrims
check for rough patches
10. Spokes
inspect the spokes in case any are bent, broken or slack
11. 6" or 8" castors
check the axle to ensure that it is correctly tightened, by turning the castor
the castor should stop gradually
12. Fork / Steering tube
check that all the fittings are in place
13. Pneumatic and solid tyres
if the wheelchair has pneumatic tyres, check that they are correctly inflated
(the pressure is shown on the sidewall), if the wheelchair has solid tyres,
check the running surface
14. Cleaning
Clean all parts
Clean the seat and backrest upholstery with soapy water
Clean all parts without using any cleaning product. Upholstery should be washed or wiped
clean using soap and water only. No other product is recommended for the maintenance of
4 - Transport
Transporting the wheelchair
Systems for anchoring the wheelchair in automobiles
Invacare wheelchairs are capable of being transported in vehicles with or
without the occupant. We recommend securing it with a 4 point restraint
system - two at the front, two at the rear. Select suitable fixing points on the
chassis of the chair : vertical tube sections.
NB. the force applied should be sufficient to overcome any sideways and
forward movement without causing any deformation / fractures to the chair
Do not use front or rear wheels as securing points.
- DO NOT USE your wheelchair as a transport seat in a vehicle, UNLESS
5 - Warranty terms and conditions
Standard Invacare terms
This is to certify that your manual wheelchair is warranted by Invacare Ltd.,
for a period of 2 years for the frame and crossbars all other parts subject to
the following conditions :
1. Only chairs purchased at full price are warranted against defective
workmanship and materials.
2. If a defect or fault is discovered the supplier / dealer from whom the
appliance was purchased should be notified immediately.
3. The manufacturer will not accept responsibility for damage caused by
misuse or non-observance of the instructions set out in the users manual.
4. During the period of warranty, any parts that have become defective due to
faulty workmanship or materials, will be renewed or repaired without charge
by the Invacare dealer / supplier.
5. The Warranty will be forfeited should any unauthorised alteration be made
to the equipment.
6. The Purchaser's statutory rights under the Consumer Protection Act are
not affected.
Limitation of liability
This warranty does not extend to the consequential costs resulting from fault
clearance, in particular freight and travel costs, loss of earnings, expenses,
Invacare shall not be liable for :
- natural wear and tear
- inappropriate or incorrect use
- defective assembly or setting-up by the purchaser or third parties
- defective or neglectful treatment
- use of unsuitable spares
6 - Summary of instructions for use for improved safety
- User weight limit : 120 kg.
- Do not try to reach objects if you have to move forward on the seat
- Do not try to reach objects on the ground if you have to lean down between
your knees
- Do not lean too far back to reach objects behind you : you may tip over.
- Do not move your weight, or your sitting position in the direction in which you
wish to go: you may tip over.
- Always apply both manual brakes.
Before trying to move an object towards the wheelchair or away from it.
- The manual brakes are not designed for slowing you down.
- Do not try to stop a moving wheelchair using the manual brakes.
- Do not tilt the wheelchair without assistance from a third person (stairs,
- Do not use an escalator for moving a wheelchair from one floor to another.
(This may cause serious injury.)
- Do not use your wheelchair if the tyres are not inflated to the correct pressure
shown on the side.
- Do not over-inflate the tyres. Failure to comply with these instructions may
cause the tyre to burst and cause bodily injury.
- Carry out the recommended regular checks.
- Use your wheelchair with respect for other people
- Do not use your wheelchair as a transport seat in a vehicle.
7. Introduction
Your wheelchair is part of an extensive product range.
Each wheelchair is specifically adapted to your requirements, this handbook
will explain all the possible adjustments for this product range.
7.1 General description
Your wheelchair comprises of several main items whose names will be used
throughout this handbook.
Please familiarise yourself with the following terms in order to understand
your wheelchair better.
- Seat elements comprises of the backrest, the seat and the armrests.
These items are designed to provide you with a maximum of comfort.
- Folding frame comprises of sides and the folding system.
All items are mounted on the frame, which is a carefully designed support
- Rear wheel comprises of the wheel, axle and handrim.
The rear wheels ensure rear contact with the ground and enable the
wheelchair to be propelled using the handrim.
- Front wheel comprises of the castor and fork : the front wheels
ensure contact with the ground, while the rotating forks determine the
- Manual brake : The purpose of the brakes is to retain the wheelchair
during long stops.
- Swingaway hanger-bracket and leg-rest : As the link between the
frame and the footrest, these items enable transfers when swung-away.
- Footrest comprises of the adjustable tube and the foot-plate. These
items support your feet.
- Heel-support strap or calf-support strap. These 2 items keep your
feet or legs in an ideal position.
For better understanding, these terms are illustrated in the picture overleaf.
Backrest fabric
Arm support
Rear wheels
Seat fabric
Swingin, swingout
Rear wheel
Front wheel
( casters )
Direction tube
Seat elements
8.1.1 Different types of backrests
Fixed-height backrest : 40 or 51 cm (Photo 1)
- Comprises of two tubes with handles and backrest upholstery which cannot
be adjusted.
- No adjustment on this backrest.
Warning : Check screw fittings as loose screws can rip clothes.
Backrest folding at mid-height (Photos 2 and 3)
- Comprises of two tubes with handles either
straight or bent at 10° and upholstery in which
tension cannot be adjusted. Folding enables one
to reduce the height of the backrest for easier
transport. This folding operation can be carried out
by the wheelchair user.
- Use : In order to fold the backrest, pull both lever
A and fold down the backrest using the handles. To
put the backrest back in use-position, reverse the
operation, checking carefully that lever A are in place and that there is no play
in the backrest.
Warning :
- Do not place your fingers between the joint of the
folding backrest.
- Check that the backrest is fixed correctly before
leaning back or pushing the wheelchair.
- It is not recommended that you lean on the
backrest when the backrest is folded
Reclining backrest (Photo 4)
A ratchet angle adjustable from 0° to 90° backrest
- Adjustment : To adjust the angle of the backrest
lift up the recliner handles A, adjust the backrest
to the required angle, then, release the recliner
handles assuring that the system is securely fixed
and that both backrest posts are at the same
Warning :
- We recommend that you use anti tippers or
the amputee rear wheel position to increase the
stability of the chair.
- Check carefully that the backrest is fixed correctly
before leaning back or pushing the chair.
- Do not put your hands near the ratchet system
when adjusting the backrest.
- We recommend that you should always keep
your hands on the armrests when the backrest
angle is being adjusted.
8.1.2 Different types of seat
Standard seat (Photo 5)
- Your wheelchair is equiped with a standard seat
with vinyl or nylon upholstery.
- No adjustment on this seat.
Check that fixation screw A is located correctly,
preventing the user to be injured.
Toilet seat (Photo 6)
- Use : A qualified medical or paramedic personnel will be able to advise on the
most appropriate way of using toilet seat.
- No adjustment on the toilet seat.
This toilet seat must be removed to fold the
- Removal : Pull in the way to remove toilet seat
support A from chassis.
To put the toilet seat in use-position, reverse the
operation, checking carefully that supports A are in
place and that there is no play between toilet seat
and chassis.
8.1.3 Different types of armrests
All armrests can be removed from the frame and
may be folded back. (photos 7 and 8)
- Use : push the pin-spring A and raise the armrest
and rotate rearwards. In order to put it back in
position on the wheelchair, put the tube in the front
frame support.
The pin B should be in the 'out' position.
To remove armrest, push the pin A and raise the
armrest slightly, then pull the lever C and remove
the armrest from frame support D.
To replace the armrest on the wheelchair, introduce
the rear entry cone of armrest first in the rear frame support and put the front
tube in the front frame support.
Pins B and E should be in the 'out' position.,
checking carefully that pins are in place and that
there is no play.
Swingaway desk, removable armrest
- The desk armrest is comprised of tube with a
bend on the front supporting front locking and short
- No adjustment on this armrest.
Warning : Do not lift up the chair by the armrests.
Be careful not to pinch your fingers when removing, replacing, swinging away
or adjusting any armrest.
Swingaway full length, removable armrest
- The full length armrest is comprised of tube supporting front locking and long
- No adjustment on this armrest.
Swingaway, adjustable height, removable armrests (Photo 9)
- Adjustable height armrests are comprised of tube supporting front locking,
adjustment system of the armpad.
- Adjustment : loosen knob A and press pin-spring B, adjust the selected
height and retighten knob. Knob A can be replaced with screw (supplied) for
users who do not change the arm-support height often.
Folding frame
8.2.1 Side-frames
Side-frames structures have hole for fixed rear and front wheels.
No adjustment on side-frames.
8.2.2 Folding system
Folding system comprises of two cross-bars and allows the wheelchair to be
folded into the closed position. In order to fold or unfold your wheelchair, refer
to page 11.
No adjustment on the folding system.
Rear wheels
8.3.1 Wheels
- The rear wheels with a diameter of 24’’ x 1.3 /8’’ (600 mm x 32 mm) or 22’’ x 1.3/8’’
(550 mm x 32 mm) can be fitted with pneumatic or solid tyre. The rims are spoked for
24’’and 22’’or plastic for 24’’.
For the 24’’ spoked wheels, a protector can
be fitted over the spokes in order to protect
one’s finger.
- Adjustment :
Only the pneumatic tyre may require
pressure verification. The pressure is shown
on the sidewall of the tyre and the tyre must
never be over inflated.
Remember that in order to preserve the interchangeability of wheels on
wheelchairs fitted with quick release wheels, both tyres must be inflated to the
same pressure.
Whenever a tyre is flat, it may be necessary to remove the tyre from its rim.
(photo 10)
Force the air out the the inner tube by pressing valve A.
Stretch the outer case on the rim. Repair or replace the inner tube. Put the
inner tube back in place. Reposition the outer case on the rim. Re-inflate the
tyre to specified pressure.
Note : It may be necessary to use one or two tyre-levers (Not supplied).
8.3.2 Handrims
- The handrims are used for propelling the
wheelchairs. The handrims are
aluminium, chrome-plated or coated with anti-slip
Note : As the handrims are in contact with your
hands, make sure that they are not damaged.
There is a handrim capstan set for persons
who have difficulty gripping. Its fastening and
positioning must be carried out by your distributor
in accordance with the qualified health advisor.
8.3.3 Axles
- The axles link the rear wheels to the frames.
They are either fixed or the quick release type.
- Use : (Photo 11). Push in pin A of the quick
release axle and insert the axle in the centre of
the rear wheel hub. Take the wheel fitted with
its axle and insert it in the hole B of side-frame
until the unit is blocked. Ball-checks must extend
beyond the bearing. There must be no substantial
- Adjustment : Take the quick release axle off and adjust the nut-screw in order
to reduce play to a minimum.
IMPORTANT NOTE : Check that the pin of axle
and ball-checks are completely disengaged before
using the wheelchair.
It is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL that the ball-
checks protrude at the end of the rear wheel axle
bearing, in order for them to be properly blocked.
Check the cleanliness of the ball-checks.
Warning : Never remove any wheel while the
user is in the wheelchair.
8.4 Forks and Front wheels
- The front castors either have a diameter of 8’’ x 1.3/8’’ (200 mm x 32 mm)
or 8 ‘’ x 2’’ (200 mm x 50 mm) or 6’’ x 1.3/8’’ (150 mm x 32 mm) can be fitted
with pneumatic or solid tyres.
- Adjustment : Only the pneumatic tyre may require pressure verification.
The pressure is shown on the sidewall and the tyre must never be over
A pump is supplied with the wheelchair.
Whenever a tyre is flat, it may be necessary to remove the tyre from its rim.
(photo 12)
Force the air out the the inner tube by pressing valve A.
Stretch the outer case on the rim. Repair or replace the inner tube. Put the
inner tube back in place. Reposition the outer case on the rim. Re-inflate the
tyre to specified pressure.
Note : It may be necessary to use one or two tyre-levers (Not supplied).
8.5 Manual brakes (Photos 13A and 13B)
The manual brakes are designed to secure the
wheelchair during long stops. They are not
intended to slow down the wheelchair or to be used
as support during a transfer.
They must be operated simultaneously.
In order to brake, push the handle (A) forward.
The handle folds back to facilitate transfers. Draw
as a preliminary the handle upwards ! (13A)
Once the brakes are engaged, the wheelchair
should not move at all.
Note : brakes adjustments are based upon the dia-
meter and type of the wheels. After repairing a flat
tyre or in the event of wear of the pneumatic or solid
tyre, you may need to adjust the brake(s). To adjust
the brake(s), loosen the two screws (B) and slide
the brake assembly to obtain the following value
between the wheel and the brake shoe in unlocked position :
Solid tyre X = 6 mm, Pneumatic tyre X = 5 mm
Firmly tighten the screws (B) after adjustment.
Keep your fingers away from movable parts to pre-
vent injuries !
8.6 Footrests
(Photos 14 and 15)
- Use : The footrests have thepossibility to be
swung to the exterior and to the interior of the
To take off the footrests, you simply pull them
upwards. To replace the footrests gently place
the tube A into the support B and aling the
footrests with the frame so that they lock into
Warning :
- Do not lift the chair by any of the range of
footrest/legrest/amputee supports.
- Check that the footrests are fixed correctly
before placing your feet on the footplates.
8.7 Legrests
(Photos 16 and 17)
The legrests are footrests that can be angle
adjusted and also incorporate an adjustable
cushion to support the leg.
- Use : To remove, replace and turn the legrests
follow the instructions for the foorests.
- Adjustment :
To adjust the angle of the legrests, loosen the
handle A and lift or lower the legrest tube until you have the correct angle and
retighten the handle.
To adjust the height of the cushion D loosen the
knob C, slide the cushion into the wanted position
and retighten the knob C.
8.8 Footplates (Photo 20)
Footplates consist of a support tube and a footplate
to be used only to support the foot of the user when
seated in the wheelchair.
There are 2 types of footplates, fixed or
adjustable, for both the footplates can be
lifted / swung up to help the ease of a frontal
- Height adjustment : Loosen the knob C,
slide the footplate up or down until you have
the correct height, retighten knob C making
shure that knob enters correctly one of the
holes found in the support tube.
- Angle adjustment : Loosen the knob D, turn the
footplate until you have the correct angle, retighten
knob D, making sure that the system is firmly fixed.
8.9 Heel straps and calf straps
(Photos 21 and 22)
To position your feet and legs correctly you have
the option of heel straps, which are situated on the
footplates or calf straps which are situated on the
footrest hangers.
To remove the calf strap : Close the wheelchair by
lifting the seat up, take off both of the footrests and
slide the strap up and over the top of the footrest.
To replace the calf strap take off the footrests and
slide the calf strap back on.
Warning : Be careful not to scratch your foot on the
bolt that attaches the heelstrap.
8.10 Transit version (Photo 23)
The Transit version kit consist of an extension to
the wheelchair frame and a pair of 12" pneumatic or solid tyres. The kit should
be added to the chair by a certified technician.
The Transit version is not a self propelled
wheelchair and can only be pushed by an
8.11 Hub brakes on self propulsion
and Transit chairs (photos 24 and 25)
A range of 3 hubrakes are available, differentiatd
by how they are controlled : attendant control, user
control and dual control.
- Use : The hub brakes can be used to slow down
the chair by using the handle A and can be locked
by using the ratchet B.
-Adjustment : Turn screw C to increase or decrease
the braking force.
8.12 Rear anti tippers (Photo 26)
The anti-tip castors are intented to keep you from
tipping backwards.
Tipping may result from an inapropriate position of
the rear wheels, faultly operation of the wheelchair
by the user or a third party.
- Use : Anti-tip castors are fixed into the back down
tube of frame.
Anti tippers can be removed. Press the pin-spring
A and slide the anti tipper out. Reverse the operation in order to put it back in
position. The pin should be in the out position in the hole of the frame.
- Adjustment : Adjustment is used to obtain the distance between the ground
and the castors. The anti tip castors must be adjusted the same way on both
sides. This adjustment must be done by a suitably
qualified person.
8.13 Belts
Belt with Hook and Eye (Photo 27)
- Use : Belts position depends on your handicap,
and must be determined by the qualified health
- Adjustment : Put the end back of strap in position on the Hook and Eye
Warning : Do not allows the belt to get caught in
any of the wheels.
Buckle security belt (Photo 28)
- Use : Belt position depends on your handicap,
and must be determined by the qualified health
advisor. For locking buckle, put A into B. To open
it press C.
- Adjustment : Buckle security belt is adjustable
using the strap and part D.
Warning : Do not allows the belt to get caught in
any of the wheels.
8.14 Trays
Swing away tray (Photo 29)
The tray can be fixed on the pads of armrest . This should be done by
- Use : When transfering to or from the wheelchair,
an attendant should fold the tray forwards.
- Adjustment : No adjustment on this tray.
8.15 Drip stand and support (Photo 31)
The drip stand will hold one bag, it should be fitted
by your distributor to ensure that it is properly
- Adjustment :
To adjust the height of the support loosen the bolt
A using allen key (5 mm) and slide the support up
or down the backrest tube. When you have the
correct position, retighten bolt A so that the support
is firmly fixed.
Drip stand
Adjust the height of the drip stand, loosen knob B,
slide the drip stand into the correct position and retighten knob B.
Warning : Check that the support and drip stand
are firmly fixed however do not overtighten. Be
careful when going through doors or when in areas
with overhead obstructions.
8.16 Back Brace
(photo 32 & 33)
The back brace helps you to keep the backrest upholste-
ry tight to offer the maximum back support to the user.
Note : When the back brace is in place the chair cannot
be folded.
Use : To detach the back brace, loosen knob A, lift up the
back brace, gently pull it towards you and lower it below
the push handles.
To attach the back brace put it in its original position and tighten knob A checking that
it is firmly fixed.
8.17 Comfort headrest
(photo 35)
An adjustable in height and angle headrest which is fixed to the back brace.
To adjust the height of the headrest, loosen the handle A, slide the headrest into the
wanted position and retighten handle A, making shure the headrest is firmly fixed.
To adjust the angle or position of the headrest, loosen the handles B move the hea-
drest into the position wanted and retighten the handles.
Warning : We recommend that you - check that the back brace is firmly fixed
- check all handles are locked tight
- do not adjust the headrest while someone is using it
- orientate the handles so that cannot hurt the user or the attendant
8.18 Dual handrims
This system enables the user to propel the wheelchair using only one arm by the
use of 2 handrims on one of the wheels (available on both the right and left hand-
To learn how to use these two systems, you must consult your dealer.
9. Technical data
9.1 Wheelchair data
Max. user weight:
Seat width :
120 kg
38 / 41 / 43 / 46 / 50 cm
44 cm
Seat depth :
Seat height :
48 cm
Rear wheels :
Front wheels :
Parking brake :
Seat backrest :
Armrests :
610 mm (24") pneumatic or 315 mm MCP tyres
200 mm (8") x 25 mm, solid rubber
Adjustable at tubular rod assembly
Rigid, folding and adjustable
Flat desk-style armrest
Swivelling and removable
Black padded nylon
PE powder-coated or chrome
16 kg
Leg supports :
Upholstery :
Surface finish :
Transit chair-weight:
Self-propelled chair:
18,5 kg
9.2 Maintenance tools
size 5 Allen key
size 5 Allen key
Back attachment
Armrest adjustment
2 x size 10 spanners
size 4 Allen key, size 10 spanner
9.3 Servicing tools
Diagonal stay
2 x size 13 spanners
2 x size 10 spanners
Size 4 Allen key
Front-wheel fork
Front wheels
Rear wheels
Size 19 spanner
2 x size 13 ring spanners
Size 19 ring spanners, size 19 flat spanner
Cross-head screwdriver
Cross-head screwdriver
Padded armrest
Belgium & Luxembourg : Autobaan 14 B-8210 Loppem
Danmark : Sdr. Ringvej 39 DK-2605 Brøndby
Germany,Austria, Switzerland & East Europe :
Kleiststraße 49 D-32457 PortaWestfalica
Italy : Via dei Pini, 62 36016Thiene (VI)
España : c/Areny s/n Poligon Industrial de Celrà E-17460 Celrà (Girona)
France : La Perrée F-37230 Fondettes
Nederland : Celsiusstraat 46 NL-6716 BZ Ede
Norge : Grensesvingen 9 Postboks 6230 Etterstad N-0603 Oslo
Portugal : Rua Senhora de Campanhã 105 P-4369-001, Porto
Sverige & Suomi : Fagerstagatan 9 P.O. Box 66 S-163 91 Spånga
United Kingdom & Eire : South Road Bridgend Industrial Estate
Bridgend CF31 3PY UK
Yes, you can.
MB2-G-02 UK 04/04
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