eSATAp Back Plate Adapter
User Manual
LINDY No. 70534, 70539 (2 Port)
User Manual
Grazie per aver scelto l’adattatore su staffa 12V eSATAp con una porta combinata 5V & 12V Power-
Over-eSATA e USB. La tecnologia eSATAp da 12V supporta la connessione di Hard Disk SATA da
2.5” e 3.5” e astucci senza la necessità di collegare un alimentatore aggiuntivo – l’alimentazione viene
fornita direttamente dalla porta eSATAp 12V utilizzando dei cavi eSATAp 5 o 12V.
Convertendo una porta SATA interna di una motherboard o controller ad una porta esterna eSATAp,
la lunghezza massima complessiva supportata è di 1m (cavo interno più cavo esterno eSATA). La
potenza fornita dalla porta USB/eSATAp è superiore ai 5V 500mA forniti da una porta USB standard.
La potenza è limitata solo dagli alimentatori ATX dei computer collegati a questo adattatore. Astucci
per HDD USB o eSATA da 2.5” possono quindi funzionare senza problemi utilizzando un solo cavo di
Per una corretta installazione di questo adattatore su staffa consultare le indicazioni presenti in
questo manuale nelle pagine successive.
Spegnere il Computer prima di aprire il case e rimuovere il cavo di alimentazione!
Package Contents
eSATAp back plate adapter
Internal power extension cable
Internal cable for USB connection (Two 2 x 5 Pin IDC header)
This manual
IMPORTANT: Before commencing installation, ensure that your PC is powered off and disconnected
from the mains!
1. After removing the case cover from your PC you should confirm the location of your motherboard’s
USB and SATA ports (please refer to your motherboard or PC manual).
2. If your motherboard is equipped with internal eSATA ports as well as standard SATA ports, please
use the eSATA ports. eSATA ports can supply a more stable and powerful signal allowing longer
maximum cable lengths of up to 2m.
User Manual
3. Connect the USB and SATA cables to the USB and SATA ports on the motherboard to the back
plate adapter. Please note for the USB connection that connector side with the red marked cable
corresponds to pin 1. Use the shortest SATA cable available because of the maximum allowed
total cable length (1m).
4. Connect power from your PC’s power supply to the back plate adapter.
User Manual
5. Carefully insert the back plate adapter card into a free expansion slot. You may need to remove a
blanking plate first. Secure the adapter card using a screw.
6. Reassemble the PC case and connect a Power Over eSATA cable to the external port on the card.
User Manual
7. The eSATAp adapter supports 3.5” SATA drives without a power adapter.
8. It also supports 2.5” SATA drives.
User Manual
Please note:
The maximum cable length for standard SATA cable connections according to the SATA specification
is 1m! Therefore, the total length of the internal connection cable from the motherboard SATA port to
the SATA port on the eSATAp adapter plus the external connection to the HDD must not exceed one
Does the Power Over eSATA & USB Adapter support Hot Swap functionality?
Yes, depending on your motherboard’s SATA port and your operating system. If your motherboard
and operating system does not support hot swap functionality, then the card will not support it. The
card is a passive adapter card only – it does not change data traffic and has no influence on the
protocols used!
Does the Power Over eSATA & USB Adapter support USB?
Yes, it supports the USB function from the motherboard. You also can plug in any USB A type
connector or a standard eSATA connector instead of an eSATAp connector.
Does the Power Over eSATA & USB Adapter support higher power than a USB port?
Yes, it supports more than 5V 500mA because it takes the power from your computer’s ATX power
How does the 12V enabled Power Over eSATA & USB Adapter support 12V?
The 12V enabled eSATAp connector has additional 12V contacts on the outer wings of the connector.
It is fully compliant with the standard eSATAp and eSATA connector and with the USB A type
connector. The 12V enabled version can be clearly recognised by the 12V contacts on the outer side.
CE/FCC & Recycling Information
This product does not contain any active electronic parts or components. It is a simple
adapter only. It does not generate radiation from itself and therefore is not tested nor certified
with regards to CE and FCC regulations. For any components like this it is the full
responsibility of the manufacturer or assembler of the PC to ensure compatibility with the
relevant regulations for CE and FCC.
WEEE (Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment),
Recycling of Electronic Products
United Kingdom
In 2006 the European Union introduced regulations (WEEE) for the collection and recycling of all waste electrical and electronic
equipment. It is no longer allowable to simply throw away electrical and electronic equipment. Instead, these products must enter the
recycling process.
Each individual EU member state has implemented the WEEE regulations into national law in slightly different ways. Please follow your
national law when you want to dispose of any electrical or electronic products. More details can be obtained from your national WEEE
recycling agency.
Die Europäische Union hat mit der WEEE Direktive umfassende Regelungen für die Verschrottung und das Recycling von Elektro- und
Elektronikprodukten geschaffen. Diese wurden von der Bundesregierung im Elektro- und Elektronikgerätegesetz – ElektroG in
deutsches Recht umgesetzt. Dieses Gesetz verbietet das Entsorgen von entsprechenden, auch alten, Elektro- und Elektronikgeräten
über die Hausmülltonne! Diese Geräte müssen den lokalen Sammelsystemen bzw. örtlichen Sammelstellen zugeführt werden! Dort
werden sie kostenlos entgegen genommen. Die Kosten für den weiteren Recyclingprozess übernimmt die Gesamtheit der
En 2006, l'union Européenne a introduit la nouvelle réglementation (DEEE) pour le recyclage de tout équipement électrique et
Chaque Etat membre de l’ Union Européenne a mis en application la nouvelle réglementation DEEE de manières légèrement
différentes. Veuillez suivre le décret d’application correspondant à l’élimination des déchets électriques ou électroniques de votre pays.
Nel 2006 l’unione europea ha introdotto regolamentazioni (WEEE) per la raccolta e il riciclo di apparecchi elettrici ed elettronici. Non è
più consentito semplicemente gettare queste apparecchiature, devono essere riciclate. Ogni stato membro dell’ EU ha tramutato le
direttive WEEE in leggi statali in varie misure. Fare riferimento alle leggi del proprio Stato quando si dispone di un apparecchio elettrico o
Per ulteriori dettagli fare riferimento alla direttiva WEEE sul riciclaggio del proprio Stato.
LINDY No. 70534, 70539 (2 Port)
2nd Edition October 2009
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