User's Manual (detailed)
Network Guide
Thank you for purchasing this projector.
This projector has the network function that brings you the following main features.
ꢀWeb control
The projector can be controlled and monitored by a web browser software on
your computer, which can help you to setup and maintain the projector.
ꢀMY IMAGE (Still Image Transfer) Display
The projector can display still images that are transferred via the network.
ꢀMessenger Function
The projector can display the text data transferred via the network on the
This manual is only intended to explain Network function only.
For safety, operations or any other issues, refer to the Safety Guide and User’s
Manual (concise and detailed).
WARNING ►Before using this product, be sure to read all manuals for this
After reading them, store them in a safe place for future reference.
NOTE • The information in this manual is subject to change without notice.
• The manufacturer assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in
this manual.
• The reproduction, transfer or copy of all or any part of this document is not
permitted without express written consent.
Trademark acknowledgment
• Microsoft® and Internet Explorer®, Windows®, Windows Vista® are registered
trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.
• JavaScript® is a registered trademark of Sun microsystems, Inc.
• HDMI, the HDMI logo, and High-Definition Multimedia Interface are trademarks
or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC in the United States and other
• Trademark PJLink is a trademark applied for trademark
rights in Japan, the United States of America and other
countries and areas.
All other trademarks are the properties of their respective owners.
1. Main functions
1. Main functions
1.1 Configuring and controlling via a web browser
You can adjust or control the projector via a network from a web browser on a
computer that is connected to the same network.
Logon the network from the web browser and it offers the menus to configure the
network settings, monitor the projector and so on.
1.2 MY IMAGE (Still image Transfer) Display
Image files can be sent via the network, and up to 4 image data can be stored in
the projector and displayed on screen one by one. (ꢁ40)
image data
Display image data (
1. Main functions
1.3 Messenger Function
The text data can be sent via the network and displayed on the screen. You can
display the transferred text on real time or choose one from ones once stored in
the projector and display it. (ꢁ42)
Transfer text data
Display text data (ex.
2. Equipment connection and network setting
2. Equipment connection and network setting
2.1 Required equipment preparation
The following equipments are required to connect the projector to your computer
through the network.
Computer : 1) equipped with the network feature
2) installed a web browser software (ꢁ12)
LAN cable : CAT-5 or greater
NOTE • The system for using the network function of the projector requires
communication environment conforming 100Base-TX or 10Base-T.
The network communication control is disabled while the projector is in standby
mode if the STANBY MODE item is set to SAVING. Please connect the network
communication to the projector after setting the STANDBY MODE to NORMAL.
(ꢁSETUP menu in the User’s Manual – Operating Guide
2. Equipment connection and network setting
2.2 Manual network connection setting
2.2.1 Equipments connection
Connect the projector and computer with a LAN cable.
* Before connecting with an existing network, contact the network administrator.
Next, please check the computer setting as explained below.
2.2.2 Network settings
This is the explanation of network connection settings for Windows® XP and
Internet Explorer®.
1) Log on to Windows® XP as administrator authority. (*)
2) Open “Control Panel” from “Start” menu.
3) Open “Network and Internet Connections” in “Control Panel”. (Fig. 2.2.2.a)
* Administrator authority is the account, which can access to all functions.
Fig. 2.2.2.a “Network and Internet Connections” window
4) Open “Network Connections”. (Fig.2.2.2.b)
Fig. 2.2.2.b “Network Connections” window
2. Equipment connection and network setting
2.2 Manual network connection setting (continued)
5) Open “Local Area Connection Properties” window you use for network device.
(Fig. 2.2.2.c)
Fig. 2.2.2.c “Local Area Connection Properties” window
6) Set used protocol as “TCP/IP” and open “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties”
Fig. 2.2.2.d “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties” window
7) Set IP address, subnet mask and default gateway for computer.
2. Equipment connection and network setting
2.2 Manual network connection setting (continued)
[About IP address]
■ Setting manually
The Network address portion included in the IP address set into your computer
should be common with projector’s one. And the entire IP address in the computer
should not be overlapped with other equipments in the same network, including
the projector.
For example
The projector’s initial settings are as follows.
IP address:
Subnet mask:
(Network address: 192.168.1 in this case)
Therefore, specify computer’s IP address as follows.
IP address: (xxx shows decimal number.)
Subnet mask:
(Network address: 192.168.1 in this case)
Select from 1 to 254 for “xxx” not duplicating with any other equipments.
In this case, projector has “” IP address, specify from 1 to 254
except 10 for computer.
NOTE • “” cannot be set to the IP address.
• The projector’s IP address can be changed by using the configuration utility
via a web browser. (ꢁ12)
• If the projector and computer exist in the same network (i.e. network address
is common), default gateway can be blank.
• When the projector and computer exist in different networks, default gateway
setting is necessary. Contact the network administrator in detail.
■ Setting automatically
When DHCP server exists in network, it is possible to assign IP address to the
projector and computer automatically.
* DHCP is abbreviation for “Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol” and has the
function to provide necessary setting for network like IP address from server to
client. A server that has DHCP function is called DHCP server.
2. Equipment connection and network setting
2.2 Manual network connection setting (continued)
2.2.3 “Internet Option” setting
1) Click “Internet Options” in “Network and Internet Connections” window
(Fig. 2.2.3.a) to open “Internet Properties” window. (Fig.2.2.3.b)
Fig. 2.2.3.a “Network and Internet Connections” window
Fig. 2.2.3.b “Internet Properties” window
2) Click “Connections” tab and then click [LAN Settings] button to open “Local
Area Network (LAN) settings”. (Fig. 2.2.3.c)
2. Equipment connection and network setting
2.2 Manual network connection setting (continued)
Fig. 2.2.3.c “Local Area Network (LAN) Settings” window
3) Uncheck all boxes in “Local Area Network (LAN) Settings” window. (Fig. 2.2.3.c)
2.2.4 Check connection
Check computer and projector are connected properly here. If it is not connected,
check cable connections and settings are properly or not.
1) Start browser in computer and specify following URL, then click “ ” button.
For example, if projector IP address is, specify
2) If Fig. 2.2.4 appears, it succeeds.
Fig. 2.2.4 “Logon Menu”
3. Network Functions
3. Network Functions
This projector is equipped with the following network functions by using a web
browser software.
3.1 Configuring and Controlling the Projector via a Web Browser
You can change the settings of or control the projector via a network by using a
web browser from a computer that is connected to the same network.
3.2 E-mail Alerts
The projector can automatically send an alert to specified e-mail addresses when
the projector requires maintenance or has encountered an error.
3.3 Projector Management using SNMP
This projector is SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) compliant,
allowing you to monitor it from a remote location using SNMP software. In
addition, the projector is able to send failure & warning alerts to a specified
3.4 Event Scheduling
You can schedule the projector to perform various functions according to the date
and time.
3.5 MY IMAGE (Still Image Transfer) Display
The projector can display still images that are transferred via the network.
3.6 Messenger Function
The projector can display the text data transferred via the network on the screen.
3.7 Command Control via the Network
The projector can be controlled using RS-232C commands over a network.
3.8 Controlling the external device via the projector
(using the NETWORK BRIDGE function)
Using the NETWORK BRIDGE function can control an external device as a
network terminal, via this projector from the computer.
3. Network Functions
3.1 Configuring and Controlling the Projector via a Web
You can adjust or control the projector via a network from a web browser on a
computer that is connected to the same network.
NOTE • Internet Explorer® 5.5 or later is required.
• If JavaScript® is disabled in your web browser configuration, you must enable
JavaScript® in order to use the projector web pages properly. See the Help files
for your web browser for details on how to enable JavaScript®.
• It is recommended that all web browser updates are installed.
3. Network Functions
3.1 Configuring and controlling the projector via a web browser (continued)
When configuring or controlling the projector via a web browser, an ID and
password are required. There are two types of IDs, Administrator ID and User ID.
The following chart describes the differences between Administrator and User IDs.
Displays the projector’s current
network configuration settings.
Network Information
Displays and configures network
Network Settings
Port Settings
Displays and configures
communication port settings.
Displays and configures e-mail
addressing settings.
Mail Settings
Displays and configures failure &
warning alerts.
Alert Settings
Displays and configures schedule
Schedule Settings
Date/Time Settings
Security Settings
Displays and configures the date and
time settings.
Displays and configures passwords
and other security settings.
Projector Control
Projector Status
Controls the projector.
Displays the current projector status.
Restarts the projector’s network
Network Restart
3. Network Functions
3.1 Configuring and controlling the projector via a web browser (continued)
3.1.1 Logon
Refer to the following for configuring or controlling the projector via a web browser.
Example: If the IP address of the projector is set to
1) Enter “” into the address
bar of the web browser and press “Enter”
key or click “ ” button. The screen in Fig.
3.1.1a will be displayed.
2) Enter your ID and password and click
Fig. 3.1.1 a “Logon Menu”
Below are the factory default settings for Administrator ID, User ID and passwords.
If the logon is successful, either the Fig. 3.1.1 b or Fig. 3.1.1 c screen will be
Main menu
Main menu
Fig. 3.1.1 b “Logon with Administrator ID”
Fig. 3.1.1 c “Logon with User ID”
3) Click the desired operation or configuration item on the main menu located on
the left-hand side of the screen.
3. Network Functions
3.1 Configuring and controlling the projector via a web browser (continued)
3.1.2 Network Information
All screen drawings in this manual are shown
when you logon with the Administrator ID.
Any functions that are available only for the
Administrator will not be shown when you logon
with the User ID. Refer to the table. (ꢁ13, 14)
Displays the projector’s current network configuration settings.
Projector Name
Displays the projector name settings.
Displays the DHCP configuration settings.
Displays the current IP address.
Displays the subnet mask.
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Default Gateway
MAC Address
Displays the default gateway.
Displays the ethernet MAC address.
Displays the network firmware time stamp. This information is
only displayed when logged on using an Administrator ID.
Firmware Date
Displays the network firmware version number. This
information is only displayed when logged on using an
Administrator ID.
Firmware Version
3. Network Functions
3.1 Configuring and controlling the projector via a web browser (continued)
3.1.3 Network Settings
Displays and configures network settings.
IP Configuration
Configures network settings.
Enables DHCP.
Disables DHCP.
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Configures the IP address when DHCP is disabled.
Configures the subnet mask when DHCP is disabled.
Default Gateway Configures the default gateway when DHCP is disabled.
Configures the name of the projector.
The length of the Projector Name can be up to 64 alphanumeric
characters. Only alphabets, numbers and following symbols can be
used. !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~ and space
Projector Name
Configures the location to be referred to when using SNMP.
The length of the sysLocation can be up to 255 alphanumeric
characters. Only numbers ‘0-9’ and alphabet ‘a-z’, ‘A-Z’ can be used.
sysLocation (SNMP)
Configures the contact information to be referred to when using SNMP.
The length of the sysContact can be up to 255 alphanumeric
characters. Only numbers ‘0-9’ and alphabet ‘a-z’, ‘A-Z’ can be used.
sysContact (SNMP)
DNS Server Address
Configures the DNS server address.
Configures the AMX Device Discovery setting to detect the projector
from the controllers of AMX connected to the same network. For the
(AMX Device Discovery) details of AMX Device Discovery, visit the AMX web site.
Click [Apply] button to save the settings.
• The new configuration settings are activated after restarting the network
connection. When the configuration settings are changed, you must restart the
network connection. You can restart the network connection by clicking [Network
Restart] on the main menu.
• If you connect the projector to an existing network, consult a network administrator
before setting server addresses.
3. Network Functions
3.1 Configuring and controlling the projector via a web browser (continued)
3.1.4 Port Settings
Displays and configures communication port settings.
Network Control Port1
Configures command control port 1 (Port:23).
Click the [Enable] check box to use port 23.
Port open
Click the [Enable] check box when authentication is required
for this port.
Network Control Port2
Configures command control port 2 (Port:9715).
Port open
Click the [Enable] check box to use port 9715.
Click the [Enable] check box when authentication is required
for this port.
PJLink TM Port
Configures the PJLink TM port (Port:4352).
Port open
Click the [Enable] check box to use port 4352.
Click the [Enable] check box when authentication is required
for this port.
Image Transfer Port
Configures the image transfer port (Port:9716).
Port open
Click the [Enable] check box to use port 9716.
Click the [Enable] check box when authentication is required
for this port.
Text Transfer Port
Configures the text transfer port (Port:9719).
Port open
Click the [Enable] check box to use port 9719.
Click the [Enable] check box when authentication is required
for this port.
3. Network Functions
3.1 Configuring and controlling the projector via a web browser (continued)
Configures the SNMP port.
Port open
Click the [Enable] check box to use SNMP.
Configures the destination of the SNMP Trap in IP format.
• The address allows not only IP address but also domain
name if the valid DNS server is setup in the Network Settings.
The maximum length of host or domain name is up to 255
Trap address
Configures the SMTP port.
Port open
Network Bridge Port
Click the [Enable] check box to use the e-mail function.
Configures the Bridge port number.
Input the port number.
Except for 9715, 9716, 9719, 4352 between 1024 and 65535
can be set up. It is set to 9717 as the default setting.
Port Number
Click [Apply] button to save the settings.
NOTE • The new configuration settings are activated after restarting the
network connection. When the configuration settings are changed, you must
restart the network connection. You can restart the network connection by
clicking [Network Restart] on the main menu.
3. Network Functions
3.1 Configuring and controlling the projector via a web browser (continued)
3.1.5 Mail Settings
Displays and configures e-mail addressing settings.
Send mail
Click [Enable] check box to use the e-mail function. Configure
the conditions for sending e-mail under the Alert Settings.
Configures the address of the mail server in IP format.
• The address allows not only IP address but also domain
name if the valid DNS server is setup in the Network Settings.
The maximum length of host or domain name is up to 255
SMTP Server Address
Configures the sender e-mail address.
Sender E-mail address The length of the sender e-mail address can be up to 255
alphanumeric characters.
Configures the e-mail address of up to five recipients. You
can also specify [TO] or [CC] for each address. The length of
Recipient E-mail address
the recipient e-mail address can be up to 255 alphanumeric
Click [Apply] button to save the settings.
NOTE • You can confirm whether the mail settings work correctly using [Send
Test Mail] button. Please enable Send mail setting before clicking [Send Test
• If you connect the projector to an existing network, consult a network
administrator before setting server addresses.
3. Network Functions
3.1 Configuring and controlling the projector via a web browser (continued)
3.1.6 Alert Settings
Displays and configures failure & alert settings.
Alert Item
Cover Error
Fan Error
The lamp cover has not been properly fixed.
The cooling fan is not operating.
The lamp does not light, and there is a possibility that interior
portion has become heated.
Lamp Error
There is a possibility that the interior portion has become
The internal temperature is rising.
There is a possibility that the interior portion has become
Temp Error
Air Flow Error
Cold Error
Filter Error
Other Error
Filter time over.
Other error.
If displaying this error, please contact your dealer.
Schedule Execution
Schedule Execution error. ( 22)
Lamp Time Alarm
Filter Time Alarm
Lamp time over Alarm Time setting.
Filter time over Alarm Time setting.
Transition Detector
Transition Detector Alarm. ( OPTION menu in the User’s
Manual – Operating Guide)
• If STANDBY MODE is set to NORMAL, the projector's power
status changes from off to standby state.
Cold Start
• If STANDBY MODE is set to SAVING, the projector's power
status changes from standby state to on (the lamp is turned on).
SETUP menu in the User’s Manual – Operating Guide)
The SNMP access is detected from the invalid SNMP
Authentication Failure
Refer to ꢁ“Troubleshooting” in the User’s Manual – Operating Guide for further
detailed explanation of Error except Other Error and Schedule Execution Error.
3. Network Functions
3.1 Configuring and controlling the projector via a web browser (continued)
The Alert Items are shown below.
Setting Item
Alarm Time
Configures the time to alert.
(Only Lamp Time Alarm and Filter Time Alarm.)
Send Mail
Click [Enable] check box to enable SNMP Trap alerts.
Click [Enable] check box to enable e-mail alerts.
(Except Cold Start and Authentication Failure.)
Configures the subject line of the e-mail to be sent.
The length of the subject line can be up to 100 alphanumeric
Mail Subject
Mail Text
(Except Cold Start and Authentication Failure.)
Configures the text of the e-mail to be sent.
The length of the text can be up to 1024 alphanumeric
(Except Cold Start and Authentication Failure.)
Click [Apply] button to save the settings.
NOTE • The trigger of Filter Error e-mail is depending on the FILTER
MESSAGE setting in the SERVICE item of the OPTION menu which defines
the period until the filter message is displayed on the projector screen. The
e-mail will be sent when the filter time exceeds 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 or
5000 hours based on the configuration. No notification e-mail will be sent if the
FILTER MESSAGE is set to OFF. (ꢁOPTION menu in the User’s Manual –
Operating Guide)
• Lamp Time Alarm is defined as a threshold for e-mail notification (reminder)
of the lamp time. When the lamp hour exceeds this threshold that is configured
through the Web page, the e-mail will be sent out.
• Filter Time Alarm is defined as a threshold for e-mail notification (reminder)
of the filter time. When the filter hour exceeds this threshold configured in the
web page, e-mail will be sent out.
3. Network Functions
3.1 Configuring and controlling the projector via a web browser (continued)
3.1.7 Schedule Settings
Displays and configures schedule settings.
Configures the daily schedule.
Configures the Sunday schedule.
Configures the Monday schedule.
Configures the Tuesday schedule.
Configures the Wednesday schedule.
Configures the Thursday schedule.
Configures the Friday schedule.
Configures the Saturday schedule.
Specific date No.1
Specific date No.2
Specific date No.3
Specific date No.4
Specific date No.5
Configures the specific date (No.1) schedule.
Configures the specific date (No.2) schedule.
Configures the specific date (No.3) schedule.
Configures the specific date (No.4) schedule.
Configures the specific date (No.5) schedule.
3. Network Functions
3.1 Configuring and controlling the projector via a web browser (continued)
The schedule settings are shown below.
Click [Enable] check box to enable the schedule.
Configures the month and date.
This item appears only when Specific date (No. 1-5) is
Date (Month/Day)
Click [Apply] button to save the settings.
The current event settings are displayed on the schedule list. To add additional
functions and events, set the following items.
Configures the time to execute commands.
Configures the commands to be executed.
Configures the parameters for power control.
Input Source
Configures the parameters for input switching.
Configures the parameters for display of transfered image
Display Image
Display Text
Configures the parameters for display of transferred text data.
Click [Register] button to add new commands to the schedule list.
Click [Delete] button to delete commands from the schedule list.
Click [Reset] button to delete all commands and reset the schedule settings from
the schedule list.
NOTE • After the projector is moved, check the date and time set for the
projector before configuring the schedules. Strong shock may make the date
and time settings (ꢁ24) get out of tune.
Events of “Display Image” and “Display Text” will not start appropriately and
schedule execution error occurs if the lamp does not light and/or display data is
not stored in the projector at the scheduled event execution time.
• Events of “Input Source” and “Display Image” will not start if the security
feature is activated and limits the use of the projector.
Certain errors of the projector (such as temperature error, lamp error) prevent
the projector from appropriate execution of scheduled functions/events.
• Please refer to the Troubleshooting in the User’s Manual - Operating Guide in
case scheduled functions/events are not executed appropriately as you've set.
3. Network Functions
3.1 Configuring and controlling the projector via a web browser (continued)
3.1.8 Date/Time Settings
Displays and configures the date and time settings.
Current Date
Current Time
Configures the current date in year/month/day format.
Configures the current time in hour:minute:second format.
Click [ON] check box to enable daylight savings time and set
Daylight Savings Time
the following items.
Configures the date and time daylight savings time begins.
Configures the month daylight savings time begins (1~12).
Configures the week of the month daylight savings time begins
(First, 2, 3, 4, Last).
Configures the day of the week daylight savings time begins
(Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat).
Configures the hour daylight savings time begins (0 ~ 23).
minute Configures the minute daylight savings time begins (0 ~ 59).
Configures the date and time daylight savings time ends.
Configures the month daylight savings time ends (1 ~ 12).
Configures the week of the month daylight savings time ends
(First, 2, 3, 4, Last).
Configures the day of the week daylight savings time ends
(Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat).
Configures the hour daylight savings time ends (0 ~ 23).
minute Configures the minute daylight savings time ends (0 ~ 59).
3. Network Functions
3.1 Configuring and controlling the projector via a web browser (continued)
Configures the time difference. Set the same time difference
as the one set on your computer. If unsure, consult your IT
Time difference
Click the [ON] check box to retrieve Date and Time information
from the SNTP server and set the following items.
Configures the SNTP server address in IP format.
• The address allows not only IP address but also domain
SNTP Server Address name if the valid DNS server is setup in the Network Settings.
The maximum length of host or domain name is up to 255
Configures the interval at which to retrieve Date and Time
information from the SNTP server (hour:minute).
Click [Apply] button to save the settings.
NOTE • The new configuration settings are activated after restarting the
network connection. When the configuration settings are changed, you must
restart the network connection. You can restart the network connection by
clicking [Network Restart] on the main menu.
• If you connect the projector to an existing network, consult a network
administrator before setting server addresses.
• To enable the SNTP function, the time difference must be set.
• The projector will retrieve Date and Time information from the time server and
override time settings when SNTP is enabled.
• The internal clock’s time may not remain accurate. Using SNTP is
recommended to maintain accurate time.
3. Network Functions
3.1 Configuring and controlling the projector via a web browser (continued)
3.1.9 Security Settings
Displays and configures passwords and other security settings.
Administrator authority Configures the Administrator ID and password.
Configures the Administrator ID.
The length of the text can be up to 32 alphanumeric
Administrator ID
Configures the Administrator password.
The length of the text can be up to 255 alphanumeric
Reenter the above password for verification.
Configures the User ID and password.
User authority
Configures the User ID.
The length of the text can be up to 32 alphanumeric
User ID
Configures the User password.
The length of the text can be up to 255 alphanumeric
User Password
Re-enter User
Reenter the above password for verification.
3. Network Functions
3.1 Configuring and controlling the projector via a web browser (continued)
Configures the Authentication password for the command
Network Control
Configures the Authentication password. The length of the text
can be up to 32 alphanumeric characters.
Reenter the above password for verification.
Configures the community name if SNMP is used.
Configures the community name. The length of the text can be
up to 64 alphanumeric characters.
Community name
Click [Apply] button to save the settings.
NOTE • The new configuration settings are activated after restarting the
network connection. When the configuration settings are changed, you must
restart the network connection. You can restart the network connection by
clicking [Network Restart] on the main menu.
• Only numbers ‘0-9’ and alphabet ‘a-z’, ‘A-Z’ can be used.
3. Network Functions
3.1 Configuring and controlling the projector via a web browser (continued)
3.1.10 Projector Control
The items shown in the table below can be
performed using the Projector Control menu.
Select an item using the up and down arrow keys
on the computer.
Most of the items have a submenu. Refer to the
table below for details.
NOTE • The setting value may not match with the actual value if the user
changes the value manually. In that case, please refresh the page by clicking
[Refresh] button.
Controls the projector.
Turns the power on/off.
Selects the input source.
Selects the picture mode setting.
Turns Blank on/off.
Input Source
Picture Mode
Blank On/Off
Turns Mute on/off.
Turns Freeze on/off.
Controls the magnify setting.
In some input signal sources, it might stop “Magnify” even
though it does not reach to maximum setting value.
Magnify Position V Adjusts the position of vertically magnifying startpoint.
Magnify Position H Adjusts the position of horizontally magnifying startpoint.
My Image
My Image Delete
Turns template on/off.
Select MY IMAGE data.
Delete MY IMAGE data.
Color Temp
Adjusts the brightness setting.
Adjusts the contrast setting.
Selects the gamma setting.
Selects the color temperature setting.
Adjusts the color setting.
Adjusts the tint setting.
My Memory Save
My Memory Recall
Adjusts the sharpness setting.
Saves the My Memory data.
Recalls the My Memory data.
3. Network Functions
3.1 Configuring and controlling the projector via a web browser (continued)
Over Scan
V Position
H Position
H Phase
Selects the aspect setting.
Adjusts the over scan setting.
Adjusts the vertical position.
Adjusts the horizontal position.
Adjusts the horizontal phase.
Adjusts the horizontal size.
H Size
Auto Adjust Execute Performs the automatic adjustment.
Selects the progressive setting.
Video NR
Selects the video noise reduction setting.
Selects the color space.
Selects the s-video format setting.
Selects the video format setting.
Selects the HDMI format setting.
Selects the HDMI range setting.
Color Space
S-Video Format
C-Video Format
HDMI Format
HDMI Range
Computer in1
Computer in2
Selects the COMPUTER IN1 input signal type.
Selects the COMPUTER IN2 input signal type.
Frame Lock -
Turns the FRAME LOCK-COMPUTER IN1 function on/off.
Computer in1
Frame Lock -
Computer in2
Frame Lock - HDMI
Turns the FRAME LOCK-COMPUTER IN2 function on/off.
Turns the FRAME LOCK-HDMI function on/off.
Adjusts the zoom.
Picture Position
Keystone V
Eco Mode
Adjusts the vertical picture position.
Adjusts the horizontal picture position.
Selects the vertical picture position.
Adjusts the vertical keystone distortion setting.
Selects the eco mode.
Selects the mirror status.
Selects the Standby mode.
Standby Mode
Monitor Out -
Assigns the MONITOR OUT when the COMPUTER IN1 input
Computer in1
port is selected.
Monitor Out -
Computer in2
Monitor Out - HDMI
Assigns the MONITOR OUT when the COMPUTER IN2 input
port is selected.
Assigns the MONITOR OUT when the HDMI input port is selected.
Assigns the MONITOR OUT when the S-VIDEO input port is
Monitor Out - S-Video
Assigns the MONITOR OUT when the VIDEO input port is
Monitor Out - Video
Monitor Out - Standby Assigns the MONITOR OUT in the standby mode.
3. Network Functions
3.1 Configuring and controlling the projector via a web browser (continued)
Adjusts the volume setting.
Turns the built-in speaker on/off.
Audio Source -
Assigns the AUDIO SOURCE-COMPUTER IN1 input port.
Computer in1
Audio Source -
Computer in2
Assigns the AUDIO SOURCE-COMPUTER IN2 input port.
Assigns the AUDIO SOURCE-HDMI input port.
Assigns the AUDIO SOURCE-S-VIDEO input port.
Assigns the AUDIO SOURCE-VIDEO input port.
Audio Source -
Audio Source -
Audio Source -
Audio Out Standby Assigns the AUDIO OUT in the standby mode.
HDMI Audio
Selects the HDMI audio setting.
Selects the language for the OSD.
Adjusts the vertical Menu position.
Adjusts the horizontal Menu position.
Selects the Blank mode.
Menu Position V
Menu Position H
MyScreen Lock
Selects the startup screen mode.
Turns MyScreen lock function on/off.
Turns the message function on/off.
Selects the template setting.
C.C. - Display
C.C. - Mode
C.C. - Channel
Selects Closed Caption DISPLAY setting.
Selects Closed Caption MODE setting.
Selects Closed Caption CHANNEL setting.
3. Network Functions
3.1 Configuring and controlling the projector via a web browser (continued)
Auto Search
Direct Power On
Turns the automatic signal search function on/off.
Turns the direct power on function on/off.
Configures the timer to shut off the projector when no signal is
Auto Power Off
My Button-1
Assigns the functions for the MY BUTTON1 button on the
included remote control.
Assigns the functions for the MY BUTTON2 button on the
My Button-2
My Source
included remote control.
Selects the My Source setting.
Remote Freq.
Turns the remote control signal frequency nomal function
Remote Freq. High
Turns the remote control signal frequency high function on/off.
3. Network Functions
3.1 Configuring and controlling the projector via a web browser (continued)
3.1.11 Projector Status
Displays the current projector status.
Error Status
Displays the current error status
Lamp Time
Filter Time
Power Status
Input Status
Blank On/Off
Displays the usage time for the current lamp.
Displays the usage time for the current filter.
Displays the current power status.
Displays the current input signal source.
Displays the current Blank on/off status.
Displays the current Mute on/off status.
Displays the current Freeze status.
3. Network Functions
3.1 Configuring and controlling the projector via a web browser (continued)
3.1.12 Network Restart
Restarts the projector’s network connection.
Restarts the projector’s network connection in order to activate
new configuration settings.
NOTE • Restarting requires you to re-log on in order to further control or
configure the projector via a web browser. Wait 1 minute or more after clicking
[Restart] button to log on again.
3.1.13 Logoff
When [Logoff] is clicked, the Logon menu is displayed. (ꢁ14)
3. Network Functions
3.2 E-mail Alerts
The projector can automatically send an alert message to the specified e-mail
addresses when the projector detects a certain condition that is requiring
maintenance or detected an error.
NOTE • Up to five e-mail addresses can be specified.
• The projector may be not able to send e-mail if the projector suddenly loses
Mail Settings ( 19)
To use the projector’s e-mail alert function, please configure the following items
through a web browser.
Example: If the IP address of the projector is set to
1) Enter “” into the address bar of the web browser.
2) Enter the Administrator ID and password and click [Logon].
3) Click [Port Settings] on the main menu.
4) Click [Enable] check box to open the SMTP Port.
5) Click [Apply] button to save the settings.
NOTE • A Network Restart is required after the SMTP Port configuration
settings have changed. Click [Network Restart] and configure the following
6) Click [Mail Settings] and configure each item. Refer to the item 3.1.5 Mail
Settings ( 19) for further information.
7) Click [Apply] button to save the settings.
NOTE • Click [Send Test Mail] button in [Mail Settings] to confirm that the
e-mail settings are correct. The following mail will be delivered to the specified
Subject line :Test Mail
<Projector name>
:Send Test Mail
<Testing date>
<Testing time>
IP Address
<Projector IP address>
MAC Address <Projector MAC address>
3. Network Functions
3.2 E-mail Alerts (continued)
8) Click [Alert Settings] on the main menu to configure the E-mail Alerts settings.
9) Select and configure each alert item. Refer to the item 3.1.6 Alert Settings (ꢁ20)
for further information.
10) Click [Apply] button to save the settings.
Failure/Warning e-mails are formatted as follows:
Subject line : <Mail title>
<Projector name>
: <Mail text>
<Failure/Warning date>
<Failure/Warning time>
<Projector IP address>
IP Address
MAC Address <Projector MAC address>
3. Network Functions
3.3 Projector Management using SNMP
The SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) enables to manage the
projector information, which is a failure or warning status, from the computer on
the network. The SNMP management software will be required on the computer
to use this function.
NOTE • It is recommended that SNMP functions be carried out by a network
• SNMP management software must be installed on the computer to monitor
the projector via SNMP.
SNMP Settings ( 18)
Configure the following items via a web browser to use SNMP.
Example: If the IP address of the projector is set to
1) Enter “” into the address bar of the web browser.
2) Enter the Administrator ID and Password and click [Logon].
3) Click [Port Settings] on the main menu.
4) Click [Enable] check box to open the SNMP Port. Set the IP address to send
the SNMP trap to when a Failure/Warning occurs.
NOTE • A Network Restart is required after the SNMP Port configuration
settings have been changed. Click [Network Restart] and configure the
following items.
5) Click [Security Settings] on the main menu.
6) Click [SNMP] and set the community name on the screen that is displayed.
NOTE • A Network Restart is required after the Community name has been
changed. Click [Network Restart] and configure the following items.
7) Configure the settings for Trap transmission of Failures/Warnings. Click
[Alert Settings] on the main menu and select the Failure/Warning item to be
8) Click [Enable] check box to send out the SNMP trap for Failures/Warnings.
Clear [Enable] check box when SNMP trap transmission is not required.
9) Click [Apply] button to save the settings.
3. Network Functions
3.4 Event Scheduling
The scheduling function enables to setup scheduled events including power on /
power off. It enables to be “self-management” projector.
NOTE • You can schedule the following control events: Power ON/OFF, Input
Source, Transferred Image Display and Transferred Text Display.
• The power on event has the lowest priority among the all events that are
defined at the same time.
• There are 3 types of Scheduling, 1) daily 2) weekly 3) specific date. (ꢁ22)
• The priority for scheduled events is as follows 1) specific date 2) weekly
3) daily.
• Up to five specific dates are available for scheduled events. Priority is given to
those with the lower numbers when more than one event has been scheduled
for the same date and time (e.g., ‘Specific date No. 1’ has priority over ‘Specific
date No. 2’ and so on.
• The "PJMessenger/Projector Messenger Tool", which is an application
software for Messenger function, has a function that gives priority to and
displays one of the stored text data into the projector. While such a high-priority
text data is displayed, the other text data that is scheduled for display on the
same time are not displayed. (ꢁ42)
• Be sure to set the date and time before enabling scheduled events. (ꢁ24)
3. Network Functions
3.4 Event Scheduling (continued)
Schedule Settings ( 22)
Schedule settings can be configured from a web browser.
Example: If the IP address of the projector is set to
1) Enter “” into the address bar of the web browser.
2) Enter the Administrator ID and password and click [Logon].
3) Click [Schedule Settings] on the main menu and select the required schedule
item. For example, if you want to perform the command every Sunday, please
select [Sunday].
4) Click [Enable] check box to enable scheduling.
5) Enter the date (month/day) for specific date scheduling.
6) Click [Apply] button to save the settings.
7) After configure the time, command and parameters, click [Register] to add the
new event.
8) Click [Delete] button when you want to delete a schedule.
There are three types of scheduling.
1) Daily: Perform the specified operation at a specified time every day.
2) Sunday ~ Saturday: Perform the specified operation at the specified time on a
specified day of the week.
3) Specific date: Perform the specified operation on the specified date and time.
NOTE • In Standby mode the power indicator will flash green for approx. 3
seconds when at least 1 “Power ON” schedule is saved.
• When the schedule function is used, the power cord must be connected to
the projector and the outlet. The schedule function does not work when the
breaker in a room is tripped. The power indicator lights orange or green when
the projector is receiving AC power.
3. Network Functions
3.4 Event Scheduling (continued)
Date/Time Settings ( 24)
The Date/Time setting can be adjusted via a web browser.
Example: If the IP address of the projector is set to
1) Enter “” into the address bar of the web browser. Enter the
Administrator ID and Password and click [Logon].
2) Click [Date/Time Settings] on the main menu and configure each item. Refer
to the item 3.1.8 Data/Time Settings for further information.
3) Click [Apply] button to save the settings.
NOTE • A Network Restart is required after the Daylight Savings Time or
SNTP configuration settings have been changed.
• The battery for the built in clock may be dead if the clock loses time even
when the date and time have been set correctly. Replace the battery by
following “Replacing the internal clock battery” section of the User's
Manual (concise).
• The internal clock’s time may not remain accurate. Using SNTP is
recommended to maintain accurate time.
3. Network Functions
3.5 MY IMAGE (Still Image Transfer) Display
The projector can display still images that are transferred via the network.
Transfer image data
Display image data (
Fig. 3.5 Still Image Transfer
MY IMAGE transmission requires an exclusive application for your computer.
application for instructions.
To display the transferred image, select the MY IMAGE item in the NETWORK
menu. For more information, please see the description of the MY IMAGE item of
the NETWORK menu. (ꢁNETWORK menu in the User’s Manual – Operating
NOTE • It is possible to allocate the image file up to 4 in the maximum.
• Using MY BUTTON that registered MY IMAGE can display transferred image.
(ꢁOPTION menu in the User’s Manual – Operating Guide)
• The image file also can be displayed by using schedule function via the web
browser. Refer to the item “3.4 Event Scheduling (ꢁ37)” for detail.
3. Network Functions
3.5 MY IMAGE (Still Image Transfer) Display (continued)
Configure the following items from a web browser when MY IMAGE is used.
Example: If the IP address of the projector is set to
1) Enter "" into the address bar of the web browser.
2) Enter the Administrator ID and password and
click [Logon].
3) Click [Port Settings] on the main menu.
4) Click the [Enable] check box to open the Image
Transfer Port (Port: 9716). Click the [Enable]
check box for the [Authentication] setting when
authentication is required, otherwise clear the
check box.
5) Click the [Apply] button to save the settings.
When the authentication setting is enabled, the following settings are required.
6) Click [Security Settings] on the main menu.
7) Select [Network Control] and enter the desired authentication password.
8) Click the [Apply] button to save the settings.
NOTE • The Authentication Password will be the same for Network Control
Port1 (Port: 23), Network Control Port2 (Port: 9715), PJLink™ Port (Port:
4352), Image Transfer Port (Port: 9716) and Text Transfer Port (Port: 9719).
• The new configuration settings are activated after restarting the network
connection. When the configuration settings are changed, you must restart
the network connection. You can restart the network connection by clicking
[Network Restart] on the main menu.
3. Network Functions
3.6 Messenger Function
The projector can display the text data transferred via the network on the screen.
The text data can be displayed on the screen in two ways that displays the text
transferred from the computer on real time, and the other chooses and displays
the text data from the ones once stored in the projector.
Transfer text data
Display text data (ex.
Fig. 3.6 Messenger function
Messenger function requires the "PJMessenger/Projector Messenger Tool" which
is an exclusive application software for your computer. Use the software to edit a
text data, transfer it to the projector and display it with the projector.
You can download the "PJMessenger/Projector Messenger Tool" and the manual
for it from the following web site. Refer to the manual for the details of Messenger
function and instructions of the software.
NOTE • It is possible to store the text data up to 12 in the maximum.
• Using MY BUTTON that registered MESSENGER can turn the displaying
messenger text on/off. (ꢁOPTION menu in the User’s Manual – Operating
• The text file also can be displayed by using schedule function via the web
browser. Refer to the item “3.4 Event Scheduling (ꢁ37)” for detail.
• The "PJMessenger/Projector Messenger Tool", which is an application
software for Messenger function, has a function that gives priority to and
displays one of the stored text data into the projector. While such a high-priority
text data is displayed, the other text data that is scheduled for display on the
same time are not displayed. (ꢁ37)
3. Network Functions
3.6 Messenger Function (continued)
Configure the following items from a web browser when Messenger function is
Example: If the IP address of the projector is set to
1) Enter "" into the address bar of the web browser.
2) Enter the Administrator ID and password and
click [Logon].
3) Click [Port Settings] on the main menu.
4) Click the [Enable] check box to open the Text
Transfer Port (Port: 9719). Click the [Enable]
check box for the [Authentication] setting when
authentication is required, otherwise clear the
check box.
5) Click the [Apply] button to save the settings.
When the authentication setting is enabled, the following settings are required.
6) Click [Security Settings] on the main menu.
7) Select [Network Control] and enter the desired authentication password.
8) Click the [Apply] button to save the settings.
NOTE • The Authentication Password will be the same for Network Control
Port1 (Port: 23), Network Control Port2 (Port: 9715), PJLink™ Port (Port:
4352), Image Transfer Port (Port: 9716) and Text Transfer Port (Port: 9719).
• The new configuration settings are activated after restarting the network
connection. When the configuration settings are changed, you must restart
the network connection. You can restart the network connection by clicking
[Network Restart] on the main menu.
3. Network Functions
3.7 Command Control via the Network
You can configure and control the projector via the network using RS-232C
Communication Port
The following two ports are assigned for the command control.
TCP #23(Network Control Port1 (Port: 23))
TCP #9715(Network Control Port2 (Port: 9715))
NOTE • Command control is available only via the specified port above.
Command Control Settings ( 17)
Configure the following items from a web browser when command control is used.
Example: If the IP address of the projector is set to
1) Enter “” into the address bar of the web browser.
2) Enter the Administrator ID and password and click [Logon].
3) Click [Port Settings] on the main menu.
4) Click [Enable] check box to open Network Control Port1 (Port: 23) to
use TCP #23. Click [Enable] check box for [Authentication] setting when
authentication is required, otherwise clear the check box.
5) Click [Enable] check box to open Network Control Port2 (Port: 9715) to
use TCP #9715. Click [Enable] check box for [Authentication] setting when
authentication is required, otherwise clear the check box.
6) Click [Apply] button to save the settings.
3. Network Functions
3.7 Command Control via the Network (continued)
When the authentication setting is enabled, the following settings are required.
7) Click [Security Settings] on the main menu.
8) Click [Network Control] and enter the desired authentication password.
* See NOTE.
9) Click [Apply] button to save the settings.
NOTE • The Authentication Password will be the same for Network Control
Port1 (Port: 23), Network Control Port2 (Port: 9715), PJLink™ Port (Port:
4352), Image Transfer Port (Port: 9716) and Text Transfer Port (Port: 9719).
• The new configuration settings are activated after restarting the network
connection. When the configuration settings are changed, you must restart
the network connection. You can restart the network connection by clicking
[Network Restart] on the main menu.
3. Network Functions
3.7 Command Control via the Network (continued)
Command Format
Command formats differ among the different communication ports.
● TCP #23
You can use the RS-232C commands without any changes. The reply
data format is the same as the RS-232C commands. ( “RS-232C
Communication” in the User’s Manual – Operating Guide (Technical))
However, the following reply will be sent back in the event of authentication
failure when authentication is enabled.
<Reply in the event of an authentication error>
Error code
0x04 0x00
● TCP #9715
Send Data format
The following formatting is added to the header (0x02), Data length (0x0D),
Checksum (1 byte) and Connection ID (1 byte) of the RS-232C commands.
“RS-232C Communication” in the User’s Manual – Operating Guide
Data length
RS-232C command
Check Sum
13 bytes
1 byte
1 byte
→ 0x02, Fixed
Data length
→ RS-232C commands byte length (0x0D, Fixed)
RS-232C commands → RS-232C commands that start with 0xBE 0xEF
(13 bytes)
Check Sum
→ This is the value to make zero on the addition of the
lower 8 bits from the header to the checksum.
→ Random value from 0 to 255 (This value is attached
to the reply data)
Connection ID
3. Network Functions
3.7 Command Control via the Network (continued)
Reply Data format
The connection ID (the data is same as the connection ID data on the sending
data format) is attached to the RS-232C commands reply data.
<ACK reply>
1 byte
<NAK reply>
1 byte
<Error reply>
Error code
2 bytes
1 byte
<Data reply>
2 bytes
1 byte
<Projector busy reply>
Status code
2 bytes
1 byte
<Authentication error reply>
Error code
0x04 0x00
1 byte
3. Network Functions
3.7 Command Control via the Network (continued)
Automatic Connection Break
The TCP connection will be automatically disconnected after there is no
communication for 30 seconds after being established.
The projector does not accept commands without authentication success
when authentication is enabled. The projector uses a challenge response type
authentication with an MD5 (Message Digest 5) algorithm.
When the projector is using a LAN, a random 8 bytes will be returned if
authentication is enabled. Bind this received 8 bytes and the Authentication
Password and digest this data with the MD5 algorithm and add this in front of the
commands to send.
Following is a sample if the Authentication Password is set to “password” and the
random 8 bytes are “a572f60c”.
1) Select the projector.
2) Receive the random 8 bytes “a572f60c” from the projector.
3) Bind the random 8 bytes “a572f60c” and the Authentication Password
“password” and it becomes “a572f60cpassword”.
4) Digest this bind “a572f60cpassword” with MD5 algorithm.
It will be “e3d97429adffa11bce1f7275813d4bde”.
5) Add this “e3d97429adffa11bce1f7275813d4bde” in front of the commands
and send the data.
Send “e3d97429adffa11bce1f7275813d4bde”+command.
6) When the sending data is correct, the command will be performed and the
reply data will be returned. Otherwise, an authentication error will be returned.
NOTE • As for the transmission of the second or subsequent commands, the
authentication data can be omitted when the same connection.
3. Network Functions
3.8 Controlling the external device via the projector
(using the NETWORK BRIDGE function)
This projector is equipped with the NETWORK BRIDGE function to perform
mutual conversion of a network protocol and a serial interface.
Using the NETWORK BRIDGE function, a computer that is connected with
this projector by Ethernet communication can control an external device that is
connected with this projector by RS-232C communication as a network terminal.
Protocol change
TCP/IP data
Serial data
RS-232C cable
LAN cable
External device
LAN port
3.8.1 Connecting devices
1) Connect the projector’s LAN port and the computer’s LAN port with a LAN
cable, for Ethernet communication.
2) Connect the projector’s CONTROL port and the device’s RS-232C port with
an RS-232C cable, for RS-232C communication.
NOTE • Before connecting the devices, read the manuals for the devices to
ensure the connection.
For RS-232C connection, check the specifications of each port and use
the suitable cable. (ꢁ"Connection to the ports" in the User's Manual -
Operating Guide (Technical))
3. Network Functions
3.8.2 Communication setup
To configure the setup of the communication using NETWORK BRIDGE for
the projector, use items in the COMMUNICATION menu. Open the menu of
the projector and select the OPTION - SERVICE - COMMUNICATION menu.
(ꢁOPTION menu - SERVICE – COMMUNICATION in the User's Manual -
Operating Guide)
1) Using the COMMUNICATION TYPE menu, select the NETWORK BRIDGE
for the CONTROL port.
2) Using the SERIAL SETTINGS menu, select the proper baud rate and parity
for the CONTROL port, according to the specification of the RS-232C port of the
connected device.
BAUD RATE 4800bps/9600bps/19200bps/38400bps
Data length
Start bit
8 bit (fixed)
1 bit (fixed)
Stop bit
1 bit (fixed)
3) Using the TRANSMISSION METHOD menu, set up the proper method for the
CONTROL port according to your use.
NOTE • The OFF is selected for the COMMUNICATION TYPE as the default
• Using the COMMUNICATION menu, set up the communication. Remember
that an unsuitable setup could cause malfunction of communication.
port doesn't accept RS-232C commands.
3.8.3 Communication port
For the NETWORK BRIDGE function, send the data from the computer to the
projector with using the Network Bridge Port that is configured in the “Port
Settings” of web browser. (ꢁ18)
NOTE • Except for 9715, 9716, 9719, 4352 between 1024 and 65535 can be
set up as the Network Bridge Port number. It is set to 9717 as the default
3. Network Functions
3.8.4 Transmission method
The transmission method can be selected from the menus, only when the
(ꢁOPTION menu - SERVICE - COMMUNICATION in the User's Manual -
Operating Guide)
This method lets the projector make two way communication, but only one
direction, either transmitting or receiving data, is allowed at a time.
The method does not allow the projector to receive the data from the computer
while waiting for response data from an external device. After the projector
receives the response data from an external device or the response limit time is
past, the projector can receive the data from the computer.
That means that the projector controls transmitting and receiving the data to
synchronize the communication.
To use the HALF-DUPLEX method, set up the RESPONSE LIMIT TIME and
BYTES INTERVAL TIMEOUT, following the instruction below.
TCP/IP data
Protocol change
Serial data
LAN cable
RS-232C cable
External device
Transmitting data
Transmitting data
Response limit
Discarding data
Response data
Response data
Transmitting data
1) Using the RESPONSE LIMIT TIME menu, set the waiting time for
response data from an external device. (ꢁOPTION menu - SERVICE -
COMMUNICATION in the User's Manual - Operating Guide)
OFF ꢀ 1s ꢀ 2s ꢀ 3s (ꢀ OFF)
3. Network Functions HALF-DUPLEX (continued)
2) If the response data from an external device is blank in a certain time period
(BYTES INTERVAL TIMEOUT), the projector judges that the response data is
finished, and starts to send data again.
If a blank time in the response data is longer than the BYTES INTERVAL
TIMEOUT, the projector cannot receive all data, then the computer may not
be able to control an external device well.
Using the BYTES INTERVAL TIMEOUT menu, set the waiting time for
response data to match your system. (ꢁOPTION menu - SERVICE -
COMMUNICATION in the User's Manual - Operating Guide)
50ms ꢀ 100ms ꢀ 150ms ꢀ 200ms (ꢀ 50ms)
LAN cable
Control cable
External device
T (: bytes interval timeout) < t
NOTE • With using the HALF-DUPLEX method, the projector can send out
254 byte data as maximum at once.
• If it is not required to monitor the response data from an external device and
the RESPONSE LIMIT TIME is set to OFF, the projector can receive the data
from the computer and send it out to an external device continuously.
The OFF is selected as the default setting. FULL-DUPLEX
This method lets the projector make two way communication, transmitting and
receiving data at the same time, without monitoring response data from an
external device.
With using this method, the computer and an external device will send the data
out of synchronization. If it is requited to synchronize them, set the computer to
make the synchronization.
NOTE • In case that the computer controls to synchronize transmitting
and receiving the data, it may not be able to control an external device well
depending on the processing status of the projector.
Leica Projection Television CM3050 S User Manual
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LG Electronics CRT Television DU 27FB32C User Manual
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Magnavox VCR VCRVR400BMG User Manual
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